This company, based on the criteria and regulations set by the Planning and Strategic Oversight Deputy of the Presidential Office, has obtained Grade 5 contractor qualification certificates in the fields of installations and equipment, as well as buildings and structures. With experienced management, a skilled technical team equipped with up-to-date knowledge, advanced construction machinery and equipment, adequate financial resources, and quantitative and qualitative control tools, we have established a modern and capable organization aligned with cutting-edge technology. This enables us to provide optimal execution of construction projects for our esteemed clients across the country.
Contact Us
- No54,Farhang alley, Taleghani st, Tabriz
- 04133855292
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- Contact Us
Contact Tajhiz Borj Tabriz. Co
Our Address
No54. Farhang, Taleqani st,Tabriz
Get In Touch
Hours of Operation
Sat to Thur - 8 to 17